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League of Women Voters of the San Antonio Area

Member Bio

Sagrario Gonzalez 

Amarillo, TX

Contact Information

Amarillo, TX
8106 Victory Drive
Amarillo, TX 79119

Personal Information

Additional Information


Hello Fellow League Members!

Adan and I became members of the League about three years ago after being impressed by the League's work with Voter Guides, candidate forums, and voter registration. We are proud members and hope our children grow up to understand the importance of this work and feel compelled to join and volunteer as young adults. 

As membership director for the League, I welcome and orient new members and reach out to current members. Currently, I am working on a monthly program called Coffee with a League Member with the goal of bringing members together and strengthening bonds. 

Adan and I stay busy with our four little ones- one of them, Choco Banana, a sweet Labradoodle. Outside of work, volunteer with the League, our church, and school, we love practicing music, exploring the outdoors, cooking and enjoying various foods, and rummaging through thrift shops for unique finds and treasures. 

I am looking forward to getting to know you!

Feel free to reach out and say hello!

League of Women Voters of the San Antonio Area

PO Box 12811

San Antonio, TX 78212
(210) 657-2206