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League of Women Voters of the San Antonio Area
HomeEventsNaturalization Ceremonies at USCIS

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Naturalization Ceremonies at USCIS

Multiple small groups of new citizens will meet every 20 minutes during a 3 hour time frame until approximately 500+ immigrants take the citizenship oath. Volunteers will distribute New Citizens brochure prior to each ceremony.  VDRs will offer voter registration when those new citizens exit the building.  VDRs certified in multiple counties are encouraged to volunteer.

We will be stationed outside to greet new citizens after the ceremony. Please dress appropriately for the current weather conditions.

 Click on the Volunteer!   button to volunteer for this event. 

Monday, August 5, 2024, 7:30 AM until 3:30 PM
Additional Info:
Voter Outreach & Registration
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only

League of Women Voters of the San Antonio Area

PO Box 12811

San Antonio, TX 78212
(210) 657-2206